About The Board of Directors

Estrella Warbirds Museum is a registered California Non-Profit 501(c)(3). Corporation, Tax ID 77-0324714. The museum is governed by an elected Board of Directors, consisting of 7 but no more than 12 members.

General Information

Board members are recommended by the Nominating Committee and are voted on by the current Board of Directors to serve a two year term. Annual board year commences on the first day of June each year. Nominations are submitted by the Nominating Committee no less than two months prior to board elections. All board positions are voluntary.

The Board Meetings are governed by Robert's Rules of Order. Board Members, staff and managers provide a written monthly update to the board the week prior to the board meeting. The agenda and items for discussion at the board are set the week prior to monthly meetings. Non agenda listed items are not routinely discussed at the board and only following regular board meeting with majority vote appoval prior to discussion.

Any Estrella Warbirds Museum member and guest is welcome to attend the monthly meetings, routinely held on the third Wednesday of the month at Thomson Hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. PST. The President of the Board retains the right to dismiss all non-board members if subject matter deems necessary.

The Board of Directors maintains a standard operating procedure governing all activities of the museum.

Estrella Warbirds Museum
Celebrating 30 Years!

Proud to be home of the

Woodland Auto Display

Thur., Fri., Sat., Sun. &
Memorial Day, Veterans Day:
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Pricing and Special Group Tours (Minimum of 10 or more): Full Information Here

805 238-9317

4251 Dry Creek Road
Paso Robles, CA 93446