M60 Tank Turret Trainer
M60 Tank Turret Trainer
M60 Tank Turret Trainer


Length with gun forward 29'-3"
width 12'-0"
Weight 57.3 tons
Ground clearance 18"
Acceleration, 0 to 20mph 15 seconds
Maximum road speed30mph
Maximum cross-country speed: 10 to 12mph
Maximum gradient 60 percent
Cruise range 312 miles
Main gun: 105mm M68E1 rifled cannon
Ammunition storage 63 rounds
Coaxial weapon 7.62 mm M240 machine gun
Commander's weapon .50cal M85 machine gun
Smoke grenade launcher M239
Engine 759hp Continental air-cooled diesel
Fuel capacity 378 gallons


Our turret is a M-60 training turret used to show new tankers how the crew would work inside the turret. The trainees would watch or observe from outside as a trained crew would operate the gun. This is why the holes are cut into the side of the turret. Originally, there were three large holes cut into the turret. Ours has been modified to show only one larger hole so as to protect the insides from the open storage environment.

The M60A became one of the world's most successful main battle tanks. More than 15,000 were produced, serving in the armies of 22 countries with proven battlefield performance over four decades, and were continuously advanced and upgraded with advanced weapons control, ammunition and armor, and increasingly powerful engines.

The actual M60A is perhaps best known as the main battle tanks of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the USA during Operation Desert Storm in 1991.

Acquired as a transfer of equipment from Camp Roberts, our M60A trainer was trucked in and placed in an area which allows for close inspection of both the interior and exterior. This particular trainer is rather unique and rare as it is stamped serial number 04 of only 7 known to be manufactured for live fire training by the Joliet Army Ammunitions Plant, formerly known as the Joliet Arsenal, Joliet, Illinois. The plant originally opened in 1940 during WWII. It was renamed to the Joliet Army Ammunition Plant during the Vietnam War. Production of TNT ended in 1976 and the plant operations closed in late 1970's only to reopen as an automated load assemble pack (LAP) Artillery Shell operation that was managed b the Honeywell Corporation during the Reagan administration in the 1980's before it was finally closed.

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